Equipping Youth in Engineering and Tech: WomEng Southern Africa Fellowship 2023

As we step into the dynamic landscape of 2023, the challenges and opportunities for our youth are more evident than ever. Southern Africa, like many regions around the world, grapples with the pressing issue of youth unemployment. However, amidst these challenges, there is opportunity within the STEM fields.

Youth unemployment remains a significant challenge in Southern Africa, but the WomEng Southern Africa Fellowship offers a tangible solution. By empowering young women with the skills, mindset, and network needed to succeed, we contribute to reversing this trend. As these empowered women step into leadership roles, drive innovation, and excel in their careers, they become agents of change, fostering economic growth and prosperity.

Equipping Future Leaders for Success

The WomEng Southern Africa Fellowship is not just a program; it's a transformative journey that empowers young women to excel in the world of engineering and technology. At its core are themes crucial to thriving in today's fast-evolving job market: leadership, employability, and innovation. These themes aren't just buzzwords; they are the keys to unlocking doors of opportunity and shaping a brighter future.

Leadership is not just about holding a title; it's about amplifying one's voice and making impactful change. Through the Fellowship, young female engineers and technologists are guided to unlock their unique stories, building the confidence to lead, influence, and inspire. In a world with an increasing value in diversity and fresh perspectives, thought leadership from young women in STEM is essential.

Innovation: Pioneers of Tomorrow's Solutions

The future world of work is largely characterised by technological advancements with AI, green tech and innovations like Chatgpt disrupting the ecosystem. Fellowship cultivates innovation skills in young talent by challenging them to find creative solutions to a problem faced in their community against the backdrop of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These skills are crucial to driving change, solving complex problems, and creating sustainable impact in their communities.

Employability: Navigating Career Success

The journey from academia to industry can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Fellowship equips participants with the tools needed to thrive in the workplace, ensuring that their academic achievements translate into tangible career success. From honing interview skills to understanding workplace dynamics, Fellows are to stand out and excel.

Thriving in the Future World of Work

The job market in 2023 is rapidly evolving, and the ability to thrive in this future world of work is a goal shared by many. The WomEng Fellowship is a compass guiding these young women toward a future where they not only survive but flourish. With a holistic approach that includes online resources, virtual masterclasses, and real-world networking, the program ensures that they are prepared to navigate the complexities of the professional realm.

🔗Apply Now and Shape Your Future

📅Application Deadline: 20 August 2023

🔍Eligibility and Application Details: WomEng Southern Africa Fellowship 2023 — WomEng

Let's empower our young women to become trailblazers in engineering, tech, and beyond. Together, we can rewrite the narrative and create a future where opportunity knows no bounds.


Harnessing the Power of Captivating Storytelling


Embracing Technological Tools and Skills to Build Women